Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Dawn of the Justice League live updates.

Last week CW teased two all-new half-hour specials for January 19 CT. DC Legends of Tomorrow: Their Time is Now will start at 8:00PM CT/9:00PM ET and DC Films Presents: Dawn of the Justice League at 8:30PM CT/9:30 ET. We know that some of us here in the Philippines do not have The CW or Warner TV and that most of us are working right now. If you fall in those categories, do not worry, TDKPH is here to help. We'll post/update this blog for live updates.

DC Legends of Tomorrow: Their Time is Now

DC Films Presents: Dawn of the Justice League

DC special starts with the scoring of Man of Steel. Remember when the trailer for BvS was leaked? Snyder came up with an exclusive screening where attendees were shown an extended version of the trailer? Well, they showed it during the special

Anti climactic commercial -_-

Jared Leto appears in the show. From the news, he usually portrays his Joker character to the public. In this special, well, its just Jared who came. Too bad we didn't see the infamous Joker act. But hey, don't mess with him because there is always a Joker waiting!

Gal Gadot looks freakin HOT! and that Wonder Woman logo is totally off the hook! This is the Wonder Woman we've been waiting for! She's a total bad ass in the movie! GAL GADOT IS AMAZING!

They also showed some clips of Jason Momoa as Aquaman. All I can say is that he's okay. Nothing spectacular, nothing out of the ordinary.

My GOD!! The highlight so far is Ezra Miller as Barry! He did something to his hair so go choke all you haters! He has access to space, time, and continuum! HOW AWESOME IS THAT!?

Ray Fisher as Cyborg is a bit intimidating. He's buff as f! I love how they did not deviate away from the comic-fact that he was built into a cyborg.

GREEN LANTERN! Oh my God! I'm dying right now! In brightest day... in blackest night... THEN COMMECIAL KILLS THE MOOD -_- But no actor was shown. Johns only provided some art concept of Hal Jordan and John Stewart. Johns also added that they intend to bring The Green Lantern and The Green Lantern Corps to the Justice League universe.

"We've been to the bottom of the ocean," Johns said.  "We've been to ancient Greek mythology, we've been to the past and future with the Flash, we've been to the digital world with Cyborg.  We still got to go to space. So the Green Lanterns and the Green Lantern Corps are coming to join the Justice League universe."

On a side note, is that a weird explosion? Or the light spectrum of the lanters? Spotted from the Suicide Squad trailer
After Johns explained the need for a GL movie, the GL logo pops out. And its comic-tastic!

The special also included a new trailer for Batman v. Superman. Johns was able to explain that Batman and Superman are two separate worlds about to collide. It was also emphasized why these two titans are to battle each other.

They come back with the Suicide Squad trailer. Enchantress comes out and she's a hottie! The Joker is also revealed in his classic black tuxedo. This is probably one of the best trailer i've seen in my entire life.

Now its pretty obvious why Will Smith is having some problems with his wife. Or is he divorced now? In any case, Deadshot and Harley are smokin!

Thats a wrap! Kevin Smith says that everything will be available tomorrow (meaning later for us in the Philippines).

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