Thursday, January 21, 2016

TDKPH book of the week -- Batman #48

BATMAN #48 Superheavy Part 8
Written by: Scott Snyder
Art and cover by: Greg Capullo

Spoiler-free review
TDKPH rating: 9/10

"The city is about to die. Happy Tuesday!" - Mister Bloom

The quote above is the central theme of issue 48. It must be pointed out that Superheavy has at least 3 underlying stories: (1) Bruce's struggle for a normal life; (2) What it means to be Batman; and (3) Duke's mission to make sense of everything. Superheavy part 8 focuses more on the 1 and 2 by making Duke's future uncertain.

Scott Snyder is becoming the writer that we, Batman fans, need and deserve. You have to decipher his dialogues to uncover the story behind the story. Starting off from where Batman 47 ended, we see Bruce Wayne talking to an unnamed person who, logically represents, or is, The Joker. The discussion between the two characters is well though of and is very interesting. There were at least 3 times when the unnamed person implied that he knew that Bruce Wayne is Batman. But there were at least 3 times as well when that person took back what he said. It serves as an anti-climactic and teases the fans of the return of Bruce Wayne as Batman. What interested me more was that this Joker persona is, in a way, begging for Bruce not to go back to his former life. There are a lot of good points in exchange between those two characters but you have to read it for yourself to appreciate it all.

The other story revolves around the concept that BatJim does not stand for what Batman used to be. He claims that his rise was the cause of government oppression through BatJim. You thought The Joker symbolizes chaos? Wait until you read this issue. Mister Bloom has a death plan for Gotham.

Superheavy, in my opinion, is very similar to Endgame. Both are like building a house in a year and bombing it the very next day it gets done. I remember Snyder saying before that they're bringing in the mecha suit for a reason. And in this very issue that we finally understand whats it all about. Their tandem is magical and something that the future generations of Batfans would talk about for ages.

My only complain about Superheavy is that you sort of hear Snyder's voice in the dialogues especially if you watch all his interviews. Since I follow his interviews, his manner of talking is the same as how the characters talk. But hey, thats really not a problem. I guess this is the consequence of following him too much. The art and colors are very constant. I love what Capullo, Miki, and FCO are doing. The art looks fresh and less dark.

Like all the issues for Superheavy, the last panel can cause heart attacks! Make sure to prepare yourself for it!

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