Monday, January 18, 2016

Batman Throughout the Years -- Batwoman and Batwing

WB/DC will release a new animated movie in digital HD this January 19 and on DVD and Blu-ray on February 2. They takes a bold move by introducing Batwoman and Batwing to their animated universe. The upcoming animated movie called, "Batman: Bad Blood" seeks to tackle the relationship of the characters of the Batfamily. Batman has been the central voice that commands and instructs the family in their missions. But with Batman gone, how sure are we that the Batfamily will work as a unit?

If you're living under a rock, yes its called Batman: Bad Blood; and no, its not an elseworld story where Taylor Swift dated Bruce Wayne. It is also the sequel to Batman v. Robin. With much anticipation for this new animated movie, it does not help that fans do not know what to expect from it.

But one thing is for sure... Batman Bad Blood intends to expand the animated universe by introducing Batwoman and Batwing into the mix. If you want to know more about Batman: Bad Blood here are some links you can read on:

Who is Batwoman? Pre-Crisis, Batwoman is Kathy Kane; Post-Crisis, Batwoman is Kate Kane. In either case, Kate Kane is the Batwoman used in this animated movie. In her childhood years, Kate went through some traumatic experiences. She was kidnapped by terrorists and she witnessed the murder of her mother and her twin sister. To cope with her grief, she joined West Point Academy where she eventually met her lesbian lover Sophie Moore. Eventually she was expelled for her coming out as a lesbian.

During her down times, she encountered Batman trying to stop someone from being mugged. This motivated Kate to ask her cornel father to train her into becoming a masked vigilante. As the heiress of one of Gotham's prominent families, she is more than capable to rival Bruce Wayne's financial capabilities. Kate is known for her advanced hand-to-hand combat skills and her advanced military protocol training.

Now moving on to Batwing. Created by Grant Morrison, Batwing was a legacy created for David Zavimbe. After quitting his role in the New 52 universe, Lucas "Luke" Fox, the son of Lucious Fox, took the role of Batwing.

A fairly new character in the New 52 universe, Luke Fox was interested in joining Batman's crusade against evil. When Bruce Wayne publicly announced his funding for Batman Inc., and for Batwing, Luke tried everything to get Bruce's attention. Despite his valiant efforts, Bruce chose David Zavimbe as Batwing. When he resigned as Batwing, Bruce chose Luke to replace David. Batwing is known for his very keen intellect and his resourcefulness with his heavily filled-with-gadget suit.

With these two characters adding new dynamics to the animated movie universe, WB/DC is sure to claim the title of being the best producers of comicbook animated movies. Kate easily symbolizes women empowerment. Not daunted by her childhood trauma, she reprises the cowl and became a strong woman figure in the comicbook universe. David, on the other hand, is the symbol for hard work and perseverance. He is the epitome of wanting something so bad and not giving up. Despite not being chosen for the role, he never gave up hope in his dreams.

As the premier launch for Batman: Bad Blood comes nearer, fans should be excited for the addition of these characters in the animated movie universe. Batwoman and Batwing are two characters easily relatable. Not only that, but they also provide developments that WB/DC can exploit. They can now branch out to Batwoman movies or Batwing series.

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