Thursday, January 7, 2016

TDKPH book of the week -- Batman and Robin Eternal #14

Batman and Robin Eternal #14
TDKPH rating: 8/10

One thing I love about these weekly books is that the cover art tells the overall story of the issue. This is something that most publishes stopped doing the modern age. Its good to see that somehow they're bringing back the old template.

From the cover alone, it shows that Batman will be teaming up with Scarecrow. Well, actually, based from the context of the story, the team up happened in the past. I'm not a big fan of the character but James Tynion IV did a great job in showing a different aspect of Scarecrow. Tynion was able to portray Scarecrow in a way that the readers will be surprised of his humanity; that underneath the mask, he's just a man who is afraid in life. Scarecrow, contrary to how he was perceived in the canon, is fighting for a better Gotham--a Gotham where there is no fear.

I like how Tynion developed Scarecrow's character but thats not the meat of the story. Batman and Robin Eternal still focuses on Dick Grayson's importance to Batman. As the story comes closer to uncovering the truth behind Batman and Mother, the less I want to know about everything. If you haven't noticed it yet, Dick Grayson is at the center of the DC Universe. Technically he's in every comicbook that DC publishes. The aftermath of Batman and Robin Eternal is surely to develop Dick's character.

You shouldn't miss out on this weekly mystery-thriller story by James Tynion IV and Scott Snyder. It looks like Batman and Robin Eternal is set to leave an impact on the Batman mythos. My only problem with it is the lack of a single artist for the series. Having different artists for every issue make things harder for the reader. I thought that was bad, but in this issue there are two different artists. Nothing against Fernando Blanco and Roger Robinson but having different artists have different art transitions. I know its a weekly and all, but as a reader, those little elements make a difference between a good story and a great graphic novel. But other than that, Batman and Robin Eternal is a solid book! Its something all batfans shouldn't miss out on.

Batman and Robin Eternal #14! Available in your favorite local comicbook stores :)

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