Saturday, July 30, 2016

Countdown to Suicide Squad: 4 members should've been included in the movie

FOUR MORE DAYS! Suicide Squad is upon us!!! Our excitement for this movie leads us to make another countdown list! In the comicbooks, there are a lot of villains affiliated with the Suicide Squad. Although in the movie, there are already a lot of members in the SKWAD, the boys of The Dark Knight Ph came up with a list of cool characters who should've been part of the movie!

Not really complaining. We just thought it would be cool if the producers included these prominent villains in the SKWAD.

4. Bronze Tiger

Brainwashed by the League of Assassins, Ben Turner a.k.a. The Bronze Tiger, is one of the deadliest killers in the DCU. And if that wasn't enough, he was trained by the legendary O-Sensei. In Detective Comics #485, Bronze Tiger was able to defeat Batman and assisted in killing Batwoman (Kathy Kane). With a long resume, Bronze Tiger is one of the coolest anti-hero in the SKWAD. Hopefully they can bring him in the subsequent movies.

3. King Shark

King Shark, known by others as Nanaue, is a humanoid shark that grew up in Hawaii. He is the son of the King of the Sharks (Shark God). Since we'll get Aquaman in the coming years, King Shark is a good character to bring in the DCEU. His superhuman strength and stamina makes him a great adversary to the iconic characters of the DCEU.

2. Cluemaster

Cluemaster is one of those second tier villains. For most of his stint in the Batman universe, Cluemaster has been portrayed as a mediocre. But in Batman Eternal, Cluemaster was given a new beginning. Up to this point, he's the only villain who managed to destroy Batman's empire. If it wasn't for the timely interruption of The Owls, Batman would be dead by now. With his renewed spirit, this one time SKWAD member is a cool addition to future movies.

1. Power Girl

My my, what do we have here! Yes, Power Girl became a one-time member of the SKWAD. Power Girl was recruited by Amanda Waller in Suicide Squad #24 (New 52). Com'on, how can you not want PG to be in the DCEU? It would be nice to see her save the SKWAD just like what she did in the comics. hehehe.

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