Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Countdown to Suicide Squad: 1 and only reason to love Amanda Waller

One more day and its the premiere of Suicide Squad! For the whole week, we've discussed a lot of things in these countdown articles. This will be a bit of a shocker. But Justice League Unlimited fans wouldn't be surprised with this one.

If there's this one character in Suicide Squad that fans hate, it would be fcking Amanda Waller! She's a manipulative backstabber who only cares about herself. She always have an ulterior motive that gets people killed. Thats why she fcking established the Suicide Squad. The patsies. he indispensables. fcking Amanda Waller!

But if there's ONE thing she did right (not morally right though) for Batman fans is that she (sorta) created Terry McGinnis.

Yes, Terry McGinnis a.k.a. Batman Beyond. This shouldn't be a shocker for Justice League Unlimited fans. Unless you missed the last episode of the series, that is.


For most part of comicbook canon, animated series, and animated movies, Amanda Waller has been consistent with her hatred towards Batman (and even the Justice League). They had their differences but there wasn't any real battle between Batman and Amanda Waller. Their relationship is like a chess match--they're always at opposite ends and that both move or tries to defeat the other with the use of their intellects. 

Towards the end of Waller's career, she realized that the world needs a Caped Crusader (pretty much Scott Snyder's concept of his Batman clone story). Hence, in Justice League Unlimited: Epilogue, Waller manipulated the reproductive code of Warren McGinnis--Terry's father--using Bruce's genetic sample. She was to make sure that Terry would go through the same tragedy that led Bruce Wayne in becoming Batman. Waller was about to ensure the death of Terry's parents when she shut it down at the last minute.

Despite trashing project Batman, faith would land Terry to wear the cowl. Would you look at that. One way or another, the heir of Bruce Wayne knocks at his door! So there you have it. If there's one thing we can thank Amanda fcking Waller for, that's the creation of Terry McGinnis.

So yeah, thanks fcker! Hope you die in the film! haha!

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