Saturday, March 26, 2016

Batman v. Superman Spoiler-free Review by Sebastian Soriano

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Spoiler Free Review:

Right off the bat (no pun intended) this movie did things right. The intro explained that which I know fans are already tired of seeing. (Those who've seen it know what I'm talking about) There are certain stories that we don't need retold to us, but they did it in a way that was not even mildly intrusive to the plot. I was consciously looking for where this movie faltered for the many that gave it bad reviews and if I found anything at all, it was the very few moments wherein scenes and plot points seemed to have been transitioned to too fast, but they are honestly quite well-saved (in my opinion by the succeeding scenes). This was an obvious Justice League base movie though, so they will have certain scenes that feel a little shoehorned, but I don't think that. I think they made everything fit into a movie that could've felt cramped as hell.

The cinematography in this movie is top-notch maybe minus the editing, but this movie is the best superhero movie as a visual spectacle that I have ever seen in my entire life and Zack Synder, God bless him, told the story the way the source material wherein these characters originate from are told and that is through visual storytelling. This movie does not mince words. It is not as dialogue-driven as let's say, The Dark Knight was, but it was not as barbarically physical as Man of Steel. This movie is not here to serve. This movie demands to be understood through analysis and careful thought. This movie is here to tell people that emotion can not only be conveyed through words, but through every little thing one does. From mannerisms, to physical reactions and movements, the construction of their suits, to little things placed in and around their environments, and of course, speech. It has been a long time since I've seen a movie that is as beautifully seen as it is heard at the same time. Over-analyse this movie. It'll help you a ton in understanding it.

The acting in this movie was INSANELY PERFECT and so was the casting.

Ben Affleck delivered the Batman that I've been waiting for my entire life as a Batman fan. They did not represent a morally-rigid billionaire with a justice fetish. It presented a man that many can relate to nowadays: A broken idealist. A man who once believed in something better and through tragedy, an unfair tragedy, chose to take justice into his own hands. He chose to be the law. He chose to bypass the laws set before him by man and god because doing so caused him to fail and lose the ones he loved. As a Batman fan, thank you, Ben for giving us the Batman that not only the fans wanted, but the one I as a person needed to see. This Batman brought hope back to a man who's lost it. (I mean me. Lol)
10/10 performance

Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman was spectacular. She didn't speak much, but I understood everything she was about. She was a capable, crafty, sexy, intelligent woman who didn't just hold her own with the "big boys", but also showed that she could probably hand them both their assess if need be. She is definitely a perfect Wonder Woman and my personal favourite Wonder Woman that I've ever encountered in my lifetime. Yes. I am counting the comics and cartoons. She showed me a woman who's actions speak a thousand words and that a thousand words can't measure up to a single action when the action is done right. 10/10

Now, I'm down to the wild cards:

Literally all the reviews that I've read and watched said that Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor performance was abysmal, but I beg to differ. People probably bitched because they didn't get the Luthor THEY wanted because that is definitely not the Luthor you will get in this one. Lex embodies the successful, bigoted, arrogant, millennial. He sees power and beings more powerful than him and he wants to destroy it. He believes that man and man's comprehension and control are all that deserve to roam and rule the earth. He resents and craves power at the same time. He is a sick and twisted individual. He disgusted me, but was also the reason I laughed so much throughout the movie. Beautifully executed, beautifully acted. 10/10 for you too, Mr. Eisenberg.

Lastly, we have Supes himself, Henry Cavil. This movie revolves around one main narrative really, and that's Superman's Christ narrative. He is a god-like man in a man's world trying to be as human as possible and is faulted when he can't quite see every little thing coming because of his efforts to be human and when he does use his power, people question his intentions and instantly assume that he's out to abuse what power he has. I cannot speak further, but this movie teaches us the value of the Superman. The value of the powerful who have no corrupt intentions for man. He is hope and for hope to prevail, we must have faith. Once again, 10/10.

All of the acting performances in this movie were amazing and I now believe in every choice the DCEU has made so far. I guess the common populace isn't ready for this strategy of storytelling and doesn't really know how to deal with a movie like this. I understand their opinions and it's okay for them to think what they do, but obviously, I do not agree with them. This movie was an amazingly well-put-together story that I think everyone should watch and if they love it, should see it multiple times in order to make sure that this movie makes as much money and gain as much success as I believe it deserves. I will personally be watching this movie at least 5 times whether with friends, family, or myself. Hahaha. I haven't felt so satisfied by a movie in my entire life. This beautiful work of art gets a 10 out of 10 from me. Thank you, Warner Brothers and thank you DC.

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