Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Spoiler Free Review:
Right off the bat (no pun intended) this movie did things right. The intro explained that which I know fans are already tired of seeing. (Those who've seen it know what I'm talking about) There are certain stories that we don't need retold to us, but they did it in a way that was not even mildly intrusive to the plot. I was consciously looking for where this movie faltered for the many that gave it bad reviews and if I found anything at all, it was the very few moments wherein scenes and plot points seemed to have been transitioned to too fast, but they are honestly quite well-saved (in my opinion by the succeeding scenes). This was an obvious Justice League base movie though, so they will have certain scenes that feel a little shoehorned, but I don't think that. I think they made everything fit into a movie that could've felt cramped as hell.
The cinematography in this movie is top-notch maybe minus the editing, but this movie is the best superhero movie as a visual spectacle that I have ever seen in my entire life and Zack Synder, God bless him, told the story the way the source material wherein these characters originate from are told and that is through visual storytelling. This movie does not mince words. It is not as dialogue-driven as let's say, The Dark Knight was, but it was not as barbarically physical as Man of Steel. This movie is not here to serve. This movie demands to be understood through analysis and careful thought. This movie is here to tell people that emotion can not only be conveyed through words, but through every little thing one does. From mannerisms, to physical reactions and movements, the construction of their suits, to little things placed in and around their environments, and of course, speech. It has been a long time since I've seen a movie that is as beautifully seen as it is heard at the same time. Over-analyse this movie. It'll help you a ton in understanding it.
The acting in this movie was INSANELY PERFECT and so was the casting.
Ben Affleck delivered the Batman that I've been waiting for my entire life as a Batman fan. They did not represent a morally-rigid billionaire with a justice fetish. It presented a man that many can relate to nowadays: A broken idealist. A man who once believed in something better and through tragedy, an unfair tragedy, chose to take justice into his own hands. He chose to be the law. He chose to bypass the laws set before him by man and god because doing so caused him to fail and lose the ones he loved. As a Batman fan, thank you, Ben for giving us the Batman that not only the fans wanted, but the one I as a person needed to see. This Batman brought hope back to a man who's lost it. (I mean me. Lol)
10/10 performance
Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman was spectacular. She didn't speak much, but I understood everything she was about. She was a capable, crafty, sexy, intelligent woman who didn't just hold her own with the "big boys", but also showed that she could probably hand them both their assess if need be. She is definitely a perfect Wonder Woman and my personal favourite Wonder Woman that I've ever encountered in my lifetime. Yes. I am counting the comics and cartoons. She showed me a woman who's actions speak a thousand words and that a thousand words can't measure up to a single action when the action is done right. 10/10
Now, I'm down to the wild cards:
Literally all the reviews that I've read and watched said that Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor performance was abysmal, but I beg to differ. People probably bitched because they didn't get the Luthor THEY wanted because that is definitely not the Luthor you will get in this one. Lex embodies the successful, bigoted, arrogant, millennial. He sees power and beings more powerful than him and he wants to destroy it. He believes that man and man's comprehension and control are all that deserve to roam and rule the earth. He resents and craves power at the same time. He is a sick and twisted individual. He disgusted me, but was also the reason I laughed so much throughout the movie. Beautifully executed, beautifully acted. 10/10 for you too, Mr. Eisenberg.
Lastly, we have Supes himself, Henry Cavil. This movie revolves around one main narrative really, and that's Superman's Christ narrative. He is a god-like man in a man's world trying to be as human as possible and is faulted when he can't quite see every little thing coming because of his efforts to be human and when he does use his power, people question his intentions and instantly assume that he's out to abuse what power he has. I cannot speak further, but this movie teaches us the value of the Superman. The value of the powerful who have no corrupt intentions for man. He is hope and for hope to prevail, we must have faith. Once again, 10/10.
All of the acting performances in this movie were amazing and I now believe in every choice the DCEU has made so far. I guess the common populace isn't ready for this strategy of storytelling and doesn't really know how to deal with a movie like this. I understand their opinions and it's okay for them to think what they do, but obviously, I do not agree with them. This movie was an amazingly well-put-together story that I think everyone should watch and if they love it, should see it multiple times in order to make sure that this movie makes as much money and gain as much success as I believe it deserves. I will personally be watching this movie at least 5 times whether with friends, family, or myself. Hahaha. I haven't felt so satisfied by a movie in my entire life. This beautiful work of art gets a 10 out of 10 from me. Thank you, Warner Brothers and thank you DC.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Countdown to BvS: 1 Trash Talk
One day to go for BvS!!! Everyone is excited for the greatest superhero fight. Of course what is a fight without the banter? We all know that Batman has an attitude problem and it usually show on his quips and talk back with the other heroes. Today we will showcase what we think is the best Batman trash talk against Superman ever.
“Tell me do you bleed?” “You will.” This BVS trailer trash talk became so popular that a lot memes has been made out of it. But this is just the tip of the iceberg; Batman has a lot of things to say to Superman. So much that it’s hard to pick just one. We finally decided on Infinite Crisis number one.
“Everyone looks up to you. They listen to you. If you tell them to fight, they'll fight. But they need to be inspired. And let's face it, "Superman" ... the last time you really inspired anyone was when you were dead”. -- Infinite Crisis #1
Infinite Crisis is a 2005 – 2006 DC comic book event written by
Geoff Johns and illustrated by Phil Jimenez, George Perez, Ivan Reis and Jerry Ordway. This was a sequel to the 1985 Crisis on Infinite Earths.
Geoff Johns and illustrated by Phil Jimenez, George Perez, Ivan Reis and Jerry Ordway. This was a sequel to the 1985 Crisis on Infinite Earths.
The story begins with Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman feuding, in the wake of the JLA tower being destroyed and many heroes all facing a variety of menaces. Batman created the out of control Brother Eye and OMAC program to counteract metahumans which led to Wonder Woman killing Maxwell Lord. Superman in his anger told Batman what his paranoia has done to them and Batman’s retort is a thing of beauty. This was beautifully done on two pages until they were interrupted by Mongul.
The reason why we picked this above all else, is because of the gravity of the situation and the personal attack on Superman. Heroes are being attacked all over the world not just by a united villain group but also by the public. They need Superman to regroup them and lead them out of this crisis. Superman prides himself as an inspiration to all. For Batman to tell him the last time he was inspirational was the time he died, is a serious barb to the Man of Steel. At the end, it would take a number of deaths for the three heroes to overcome this feud.
What’s your favorite Batman trash talk moment?
Countdown to BvS: 2 Misconceptions
Throughout the many trailers, we've seen that Batman can be lethal. With moves that are similar to the Arkham Knight game, it is logical to assume that Batman may have killed some criminals in this movie. Early on, his gadgets were criticized to be lethal and hence, not Batman-y. You will also hear "fans" say that Batffleck is trying to become more like Iron Man because of his armor. Well, in today's countdown, let us put these topics to rest:
"Wait, WHAT!? Is that Batman hoisting a gun? Thats probably not real, right? He would never use a gun, right? Let me tell you this, Batman hates gu..."
Well, this panel came from the latest title, Batman and Robin Eternal. Batman was manipulated to "kill" a couple in order to get the heir that he deserv...
"But that's nothing. Batman doesn't kill. I'm sure there's some weird explanation for that. You're wrong. No other story line will prove that Batman uses gu.."
Opps, sorry to bust your bubble. But Batman's "no gun policy" is both true and false. It is false because if the situation calls for it, Batman will not hesitate in using one. It goes way back to his origin in 1939. For most parts of his early years, Batman is seen to be carrying a gun with him during his crusades.
Bill Finger openly admitted that the designs for Batman were inspired from The Shadow, who was the embodiment of Death Penalty. So it is only fitting that Batman carries a gun with him. Contrary to popular belief, He uses guns when it is necessary. And in using these guns, it necessarily follows that Batman kills criminals if he must.
During the Golden age of comicbooks, Batman frequently used guns to serve justice. However, even before the start of the Silver age, the use of guns started to diminish. Primarily, this was caused by censorship implemented by the Comics Code Authority. From there, censorship started to become the code Batman lives by.
DC Comics also found this censorship beneficial to the character because of Batman's origin. He witnessed his parents death so it is quite inconsistent that he's trying to prevent the same injustice by using a gun. Because of this, fans forgot that Batman was meant to carry a gun.
In today's Modern age comicbooks, it can be seen that Batman still uses guns. From what used to be the general rule, the use of the gun is more of an exception in this day and age.
1. "Batman doesn't use guns. Why is he holding one in the trailer? pffft! You're ruining Batman, WB!"
"Wait, WHAT!? Is that Batman hoisting a gun? Thats probably not real, right? He would never use a gun, right? Let me tell you this, Batman hates gu..."
Well, this panel came from the latest title, Batman and Robin Eternal. Batman was manipulated to "kill" a couple in order to get the heir that he deserv...
"But that's nothing. Batman doesn't kill. I'm sure there's some weird explanation for that. You're wrong. No other story line will prove that Batman uses gu.."
Opps, sorry to bust your bubble. But Batman's "no gun policy" is both true and false. It is false because if the situation calls for it, Batman will not hesitate in using one. It goes way back to his origin in 1939. For most parts of his early years, Batman is seen to be carrying a gun with him during his crusades.
Bill Finger openly admitted that the designs for Batman were inspired from The Shadow, who was the embodiment of Death Penalty. So it is only fitting that Batman carries a gun with him. Contrary to popular belief, He uses guns when it is necessary. And in using these guns, it necessarily follows that Batman kills criminals if he must.
During the Golden age of comicbooks, Batman frequently used guns to serve justice. However, even before the start of the Silver age, the use of guns started to diminish. Primarily, this was caused by censorship implemented by the Comics Code Authority. From there, censorship started to become the code Batman lives by.
DC Comics also found this censorship beneficial to the character because of Batman's origin. He witnessed his parents death so it is quite inconsistent that he's trying to prevent the same injustice by using a gun. Because of this, fans forgot that Batman was meant to carry a gun.
In today's Modern age comicbooks, it can be seen that Batman still uses guns. From what used to be the general rule, the use of the gun is more of an exception in this day and age.
2. "Batman looks like he's ripping off Iron Man with his armor. Batman does not know anything about armors. pffft! DC copying Marvel. pffft!"
"Okay, I get the whole gun thing now, but you this is not my Batman. The Batman I know never used armo..."
"Thats nothing. I know my comics. That armor came from Batman v. Predator. As far as I'm concerned, thats not part of Canon. Batman doesn't wear armo..."
Look at that. I think it's called the Insider Armor.
"Haven't you been listening to me? I know my comics. Thats from the old universe which, technically doesn't exists in the current canon."
These suits were made for a purpose. Some of which were built specifically to address certain needs in a given situation. Batman resort to these armors when the condition is hazardous for human life. In a way, Batman doesn't need these armors because thats not how he operates. He is not perceived as someone who should overpower most of his villains. Batman operates with his unrivaled intellect and his experience with deducing the criminal mind.
Lets look at the Justice Buster, for example. Bruce Wayne invested all his money to come up with a contingent armor in case the entire Justice League goes rouge. It was never meant to bring down Joker or The Riddler. It was made specifically to battle every member of the Justice League.
Batman needs armors when the situation calls for it. Same goes with the armor he used in The Dark Knight Returns. It was specifically built to match Superman's superior strength. Batman is not an Iron Man rip off. So why is he wearing an armor for Batman v. Superman? Well... he's up against an alien who can easily rip him apart. Thats why he's wearing an armor for BvS.
As oppose to Iron Man, Batman doesn't really need an armor. He only uses them if it is needed. Iron Man, on the other hand, heavily relies on his armor to operate. So Batman is not trying to be like Iron Man. These are two characters with two different procedures. Batman never intended to use armors for his late night crime fighting. He only uses them to get a specific job done.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Batman v. Superman Spoiler-free Review
Batman v. Superman is worth the wait. After watching the movie, the first thing I did was to read the reviews and that reddit article to make sure if they're legit. All I can say is that, BvS is amazing! I'm giving it a 9/10. Here are some of my initial input. I might update this space after catching some z's.
1. Addressing some criticism.
There are many factors in understanding the negative reviews. One, if the critic starts comparing BvS to Marvel movies, then its most likely that the person doesn't know what he/she is talking about. People got accustomed to Marvel movies that they forgot (or is not aware) that DC has a different market. DCEU and MCU are two different beasts. Comparison is inevitable BUT comparing them in the same category where one is known for is unfair for the other.
Two, Batman v. Superman is a comicbook movie. As oppose to a "superhero movie," the former is more identical to the pacing and structure of a comicbook. There are a lot of plot holes in the movie but those plot holes were used for a purpose (this topic is better discussed when the group is allowed to discuss the movie). It has the same structure as that of comicbooks.
I think these are the biggest concerns of the critics. They can't understand how the story got from point A to point B. And at the same time, they're subconsciously comparing Marvel movies to Batman v. Superman.
Three, some people just hate Zack Snyder for his ambitious vision.
2. Batman v. Superman is true to its source material.
Saying that, "every scene in the movie pays tribute to the comics," is an understatement. There are A LOT (and I mean A LOT!) of references from the comicbooks. It is as if the comicbooks were brought to life. Heck, even Batman's prep-time was given emphasis in the movie!
If you're a comicbook fan, you will appreciate this movie for what it is. If you're not, then you might feel that there are unnecessary scenes. And from the latter view, you might feel that the movie, as a whole, is dragging.
Months before Batman v. Superman, people had a lot of theories as regards the direction of the franchise. I recommend that you forget all those theories and to stick with what you know from reading the comics. They used various story arcs from different titles but overall, it made sense. Again, stick with what you know from the DC mythos. Don't let theories or speculations determine your expectations.
3. Batffleck
Ben Affleck is my Batman. He portrayed the different aspects of Batman/Bruce Wayne perfectly! Haters will disagree but BEN AFFLECK IS MY BATMAN. Nuff said!
Gal Gadot is also amazing. She stole the show towards the end of the movie. She is exactly how Wonder Woman is in the comics.
Gal Gadot is also amazing. She stole the show towards the end of the movie. She is exactly how Wonder Woman is in the comics.
4. Batman v. Superman is ambitious.
Batman v. Superman is the MOST AMBITIOUS comicbook movie of all time! They're trying to raise the bar through: (1) cinematography, (2) depth of dialogue, and (3) integration to reality.
This is Zack Snyder we're talking about. His movies are very pleasing especially to the avid movie fans. I guess I don't have to explain this. You already know him. His cinematography is way beyond the competition.
Mad props to Chris Terrio! Make sure to listen carefully to the dialogues. There are a handful of good lessons from the movie. Plus, most of the dialogues, especially those of Batman's, have easter eggs. Most of the lines imply something else (I'd like to point out something that was reported two weeks ago regarding the Wonder Woman movie however it is better discussed in the group after the discussion prohibition rule).
The movie is very ambitious because it tried to use our reality as its' setting. It is not breaking the 4th wall per se. It is more of using our reality as the setting for Batman v. Superman. Why do I say this? Well, go and try to spot CNN anchor Anderson Cooper and Neil Degrasse Tyson in the movie. They sort of portray themselves in the movie.
5. Delusion of Grandeur.
Batman v. Superman is very ambitious. HOWEVER they fell short in execution. In my opinion, Jesse Eisenberg will be the rich source of criticism. Contrary to what people think, he is portraying LEX LUTHOR Jr. and not the Lex Luthor that we know. Although the movie emphasized this distinction between the two characters, comicbook fans will have a hard time deviating from the Lex Luthor they know. The casual fans and the avid movie goers will even have a harder time in understanding this character. But to his credit, he was amazing! Despite his irritating character, I kind of love his portrayal of Lex Jr. For me, he is the necessary evil (or necessary annoyance for that matter). His line at the end of the movie will give you the BIGGEST easter egg for the franchise.
The crux lies in Snyder's intention (or should I say WB/DC's intention) to encourage people to read comics. Like I've said, this is a comicbook movie that the fans will appreciate. I don't think it was meant for avid movie goers. The movie pays tribute to the source materials which the casual fans (or critics) are not aware of. Personally, I am not well versed when it comes to Superman lore, but after watching the movie, it made me want to read on some of his stories.
The crux lies in Snyder's intention (or should I say WB/DC's intention) to encourage people to read comics. Like I've said, this is a comicbook movie that the fans will appreciate. I don't think it was meant for avid movie goers. The movie pays tribute to the source materials which the casual fans (or critics) are not aware of. Personally, I am not well versed when it comes to Superman lore, but after watching the movie, it made me want to read on some of his stories.
6. Batman v. Superman is not for everyone
There! I've said it! Batman v. Superman is not for everyone. Like I've said, DC has a different market. Adults will appreciate this more than the minors. The movie is dark and gritty, don't expect shawarma jokes and a laughing audience. Don't bring your 8-year old kids, they will definitely get bored.
7. Important Things to Note.
- Don't believe the critics. As comicbook fans, you'll enjoy the movie.
- Try to avoid comparing BvS to Marvel films
- Watch the trailers that comes with the movie! There's something Batman-related hehe.
- Take note of the actor and the costumes! There's a HUGE easter egg if you pay attention to the actor and the actor's costume.
- Easter eggs galore! Listen carefully and pay attention to details.
- There's a clear winner between the two. Go place your bets.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Countdown to BvS: 3 The Trinity
BVS highlights the epic battle between DC’s most popular and polar opposite of its heroes. Superman, a being of extraterrestrial power beyond our imagination, represent all that is good in humanity. Batman, the peak of human strength and ingenuity, casts a dark foreboding shadow for justice. These two iconic characters have been fighting each other in a battlefield of super hero methodology and philosophy, now we have them together on the big screen. But there is another iconic character that serves as a linchpin between Batman and Superman, the Amazonian Princess, Wonder Woman.
Unlike the other two heroes, Wonder Woman failed to capture the imagination of most fans in cinemas. But the BvS movie will have her play a supporting character and by 2017, her own movie. So why is she important?
Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, combined, is regarded as DC Comics iconic super heroes of The World’s Finest Trinity. Each hero serves as a template for all other heroes. Wonder Woman has always been a role model for all girls reading comic books. Beautiful, strong willed with a heart of gold that is matched only by her prowess in battle. It is the duality of her role as an ambassador of peace and warrior of power which makes her a great match with Superman and Batman.
The Amazonians, centuries before, grew tired of the violence in the world of men, seeks refuge and isolated peace among themselves. They saw that men cannot control their violent nature. When Steve Trevor accidentally came to their island, Wonder Woman was tasked to bring him back and be an ambassador to the outside world bringing Amazonian culture and philosophy with her.

She is a warrior of power. Amazons has been learning combat and military strategy since birth. We add this with superhuman strength and the ability to fly and she can go head to head with Superman or any other opponents.
The Trinity is the ruling decision for the Justice League. When a stand is needed regarding a moral issue, it is the Trinity who decides the best course of action for the League. Crisis occurs when the three are in disagreement or fighting with each other. Kingdom Come, one of my favorite Elseworld story, is a prime example of how the Trinity works. Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman isolated themselves from the rest of the world. In doing so, a new generation of heroes has grown without the moral compass of the three. Superman and Wonder Woman teamed up with other heroes to bring the new heroes to heel, while Batman created his own set of heroes for his own goals. It took the death of Captain Marvel and many heroes to bring the three together.
The Trinity works because each hero brings something to the table. Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman are iconic heroes able to stand on their own but together they serve as an inspiration to all heroes and have led the Justice League from crisis to crisis.
What is your favorite Trinity story?
Batman v Superman,
BvS DoJ,
DC Comics,
Gal Gadot
Negros Oriental, Philippines
Monday, March 21, 2016
Countdown to BvS: 4. Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship
Batman v. Superman
is fast approaching! Are you ready for the greatest gladiator match in
the history of the world? We'll definitely see a no holds barred match
between the two pillars of the DC universe. Despite their differences,
we're also expecting a team up between the two (or three, or seven) at
the latter part of the movie.
great thing about Batman and Superman is that despite their
differences, they can set it aside and work together to bring down a
bigger threat. They have different methods but both has the same
mission--and that is to defeat the bad guys.
fights are always considered to be great. But focusing on the greatest
gladiator match in the history of the world might blindside us from the
better stories--Dark Knight and Big Blue's team-ups. Here's a list
which we think are the best team ups they had in comics.
4. Superman #76: The Mightiest Team in the World
list wouldn't make sense if we didn't include Superman and Batman's
very first team up. There was a time where Batman was able to rid the
streets of Gotham from crime. As such, Bruce Wayne decided to take a
cruise for vacation. Clark, on the other hand, was "forced" by Lois Lane
to go on a cruise with her.
the same ship, Bruce was forced to share a room with Clark because the
ship was overcrowded. When a crime broke out, Clark and Bruce accidently
reveals their secret identities to each other. Formed by a common goal
of catching the bad guy, they decided to work together. And in doing so,
they were able to convince Lois, who was close to revealing their
secret identities, that they are not Batman and Superman.
story ended with the World's Finest catching the criminal and Robin
landing a date with Lois Lane. Yup, that's not a typo. Robin and Lois
went on a date.
3. Superman/Batman: Public Enemies
meteor filled with kryptonite was headed towards Earth when President
Luthor tried to manipulate everything. Making it to appear that
Superman, with the help of Batman, killed Metallo, President Luthor
declared the two as enemies of the State. With no where to hide, the two
finds themselves pitted against both heroes and villains because of the
bounty placed on their heads.
on, it is found out that Luthor had every intention of letting the
kryptonite meteor to hit Earth. His purpose is to change the world and
he thinks that this is his opportunity to reach that goal.
ending will make some people shed a tear. But the highlight of this
story is Batman and Superman against the WHOLE WORLD. Seeing these two
characters battle with the entire DC roster will make every DC fanboy
origin of Bruce and Clark's first meeting was also tackled in this
novel. It tells a story where these two characters met during their
childhood years. It has a feel good vibe to it which will make everyone
think that both were destined to be BFFs.
2. Batman/Superman: Cross World (New 52)
story has a weird feeling to it. Cross World will exercise those brain
muscles of yours because its the first meeting between Batman &
Superman of Earth 0 and Batman & Superman from Earth 2. Yes, its
quite taxing to read, but this story will stand the test of time.
premise of the story is that Batman & Superman of Earth 0 are just
starting to understand their powers and abilities. On the other side,
you've got an experienced Batman & Superman from Earth 2. The spirit
sent by Darkseid tried to manipulate the four in order to see which
among the two Earths has the gull to stop the god of Apokolips.
events in this book was used later on as premises for World's End and
Justice League: Origins. This book also features the great work of
artist Jae Lee!
1. World's Finest #142
very first appearance of Composite Superman! This comicbook is a
classic! Batman, Robin, and Superman received a message stating that
someone knows their secret identities and that they have to go the Black
Mountain if they want their secrets kept.
three were surprised to see a person who's half green Superman and half
Batman. This "superhero" calls himself as Composite Superman. Claiming
to have the powers of The Legion of Super-Heroes, he was able to learn
the secret identities of the World's Finest. He promises to keep this
secret under the condition that the two will allow him to be the third
their "team up" it appears that Composite Superman is trying to out do
Superman and Batman. He also avers that he is superior to the two. Later
on, Composite Superman's real intention becomes evident. His true
intention is to feel relevant by seeking to upstage Batman and
the greatest detective realized this intention, they tried to confront
Composite. But Composite's powers are overwhelming for the World's
Finest. Realizing that Composite's powers grow weaker every time he uses
it, the two tried to persevere the pain and allowed his powers to
drain. With the resilience of the two, they were able to make Composite
Countdown to BvS: 5 Statues before Batman v. Superman
We're 5 days away from the most awaited comicbook movie in the history of the world! As we prepare for the movie premiere of Batman v. Superman, lets look back at some statues that will prepare us for the movie.
5. Superman vs Batman Diorama by Halimaw Sculptures!
This statue is a direct manifestation of Jim Lee's iconic Batman 612. Halimaw Sculptures is an independent kit maker who consistently comes up with top-notch, high quality renditions of our favorite comicbook characters.
Whats cool about this statue is that both Superman's eyes and Batman's kryptonite ring lights up when turned on. As most Batman fans will turn this down, we can never deny the fact that this statue is well-sculpt. The details on this thing is amazing! Halimaw Sculptures is indeed one of the bests at what they do.
4. DC Collectibles Jim Lee Batman and Superman statues
Based from one of the most iconic Jim Lee covers, these statues is a rare find! Its a bit off scale (1/7) which means that its hard to pair with any of the standard statues, but this two will make a great table top.
This statue is designed by Jim Lee and sculpted by Tim Bruckner. Just a fun fact: This is Jim Lee's first statue design. Its original SRP was $195 back in 2003. A few years later DC Collectibles released a much smaller version of these bad boys. They also used different materials for he mini version--porcelain with metalic paints.
3. Kotobukiya: DC Comics
Kotobukiya has manufactured statues that are somewhat affordable to the public. Although their prices are considerably cheaper, the quality of these statues are better than some DC Collectibles. These statues stand nearly 30 inches.
These statues come with their respective logo bases. These statues are fun to display. They're not that big but the details on these statues are amazing. Plus, the advantage of these statues is that you can easily put them anywhere.
2. DC Collectibles: The Dark Knight Returns Superman vs Batman
This statue is based on the epic clash between Batman and Superman. Many consider this as the greatest showdown in the history of comicbooks. Considering that its written by Frank Miller, are we suppose to doubt the significance of this battle?
This statue is sculpted by Derek Miller. It stands 11" in height and weighs at about 12 pounds. This glorious 1/6 scale statue is a must for the fans of The Dark Knight Returns. Ow and if that not enough for you to buy it, look at this special appearance by...
Yup! Thats Carrie Kelley alright! Hiding under Superman and the Big Blue doesn't even know it!
1. Sideshow Collectibles: Batman Premium Format, Superman Premium Format, and Wonder Woman Premium Format
Well, to no surprise, SSC is still at the top of the food chain (wait until Prime 1 releases their BvS line). These supreme statues are still one of the statues that most collectors go for. The anatomy together with its dynamic poses makes SSC something worth collecting. The details on these statues are good (not great because we've seen what Prime 1 can do) as well.
These 1/4 scale statues are best displayed together. Either piece on its own is already amazing, however, nothing will ever beat an exhibit with these three together.
DC Collectibles Batman/Superman Bookends
World's Finest bookends! These statues are great in complimenting your comicbook collection! Besides, Batman and Superman here can change positions. You can take them off and use the walls as bookends while you can use Batman and Superman as a great table top.
Prime 1 BvS line
These 1/2 scale statues are still in production. They have already released some previews for these statues and my God! They're amazing as F! Every detail on the actors' faces are on point! With a limited run of 1000 pieces per statue, this is the grail that every collector will go for. Run to your nearest Maxi Collector stores or at DK Collectibles to Pre-order this beauty! Ow wait, before you do, make sure that your bank account has at least P110,000 in it.
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